Friday, December 30, 2011

Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #31: Cold

Have you ever been cold?

Your answer is yes, because it's hard to go through life without ever being cold. Still, someone else will probably say you haven't. Nights here in Georgia get pretty cold to me. "Brrr, forty degrees! Someone turn on the heat!"

People who've been through a Michigan winter define cold differently. They define warm differently; "Jeez, forty degrees? Someone take my jacket, I'm burning up!" And Alaska? They're entitled to a superior attitude in the warm/cold debate. The Inuit people are famous for making huts out of snow because it's warmer.

Winter solstice is behind us now, and most of us are in the very depth of winter. Around this time last year, we were hit pretty hard by some ice - no big deal for some places, but people in Georgia can't handle much ice. Places like Montana and North Dakota get much worse weather all the time and it's normal, but here, it caused car accidents, school closings, and emergency runs to the store for bread and milk (leading to more car accidents, etc.).

We're kind of curious about what "cold" means for you. What does it take to be cold, and how do you deal with it when it is? It can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, prose, poetry, etc; don't limit yourself, except to 700 words or less.

The linkup goes up Sunday, which happens to be New Year's Day. Come back and see us then! And Happy New Year!