Sunday, January 29, 2012

Introduction to Spark Notes

Beginning this Tuesday, The Lightning and the Lightning Bug will be posting a new feature called "Spark Notes." This feature will include little nuggets of writing inspiration from across the web. It may include a link to a particularly inspiring blog post, a writing quote or photograph, or a short guest blog post from one of your fellow bugs.

Our favorite part of this new feature? YOU get to contribute. This will be a jumping off point for what we hope to be more community participation, such a guest posts, writing contests, writing discussions, etc.

If you'd like to contribute some inspiration for a Spark Notes feature, email myself or Jeremy at the one of the following accounts:
jross1.3 at
katieross83 at
To give you an idea of what we're looking for, here's a list of what we'll accept:

  • quotes about writing or the writing process
  • writing advice, tips, and tricks
  • links to articles or blog posts about writing
  • photographs that relate to writing or the writing process in some way (think Pinterest)
  • short guest posts (300 to 400 words in length) on writing topics
  • discussion questions about writing

Not sure if what you have in mind is what we're looking for? Email us and ask! You may have thought of something we haven't considered yet (which is likely).

If we use your Spark Note, you'll get a shout-out in the blog post and on Twitter and Facebook, so be sure to share your twitter handle and facebook fan page when you send your Note.