The Lightning and the Lightning-Bug was born on a sunny day in May. Conceived from a love of words and a compulsion to connect with writers, it is a community and platform for those who wish to share their writing. It is a collaboration of many voices and ideas and meant to be a sounding board for writers at any level, be it professional, aspiring, or just starting out.
We welcome you with open arms and vow that this community will be based on a foundation of support and encouragement, giving each of us the opportunity and means to not only grow as writers but to connect as friends.
As founding members, we'd like to share a few things about ourselves, so that we can all start getting to know each other and feeling at home.
By day, I'm a lowly college admissions counselor. Ironically, I advise people on what to do with their lives, even though I'm sometimes clueless about that myself. I know without a doubt that I want to write, but writing for a living is not something that happens overnight. So by day, I'm a lowly college admissions counselor. By night, I transform into the writer I want to be, dream of being. I write blog posts, short stories, poems, and columns for my local paper. My short stories have appeared in the literary journals Southern Gothic and (soon-to-be) Muscadine Lines. I write as much as I possibly can, because above all else, I love to write.


Coming Soon.
Mary Lauren

I'm a social worker turned mother turned blogger. Long before I was any of these things, I was a writer. I'm in love with words and collect them in a jar like pennies. I'm trying hard to overcome my habit of saying I'm not a "real" writer. That I'm just a blogger. That it's just a hobby. Read some of my recent work here. I can't wait to see what you have to contribute.
Kelli Faherty was born in Westchester County, NY, and despite having left there over ten years ago, firmly maintains that she will always be a New Yorker. She attended Berkeley College, Boston University and Northeastern University, followed by a very bland career in the legal industry. She and her husband are currently raising three children in Maine while she writes for Narragansett No.7 and pursues a Master’s of Fine Arts/Creative Non-Fiction at the University of Southern Maine/Stonecoast. That's what my author bio says. I had to come up with one of those in order to submit pieces to literary journals and websites. Mostly, I'm here to keep the creative juices flowing and keep plugging away at my memoir and personal essays - I have a lot of stories to tell. Some are tragic, some are funny and some will likely cause people to question my sanity. Whatever the case, I hope I keep my readers entertained as I delve into my life and offer it up for public consumption.