Yo, bugs!
I'd like to first say welcome to all the new folks who have stumbled upon our little corner of the web. We're excited to see new faces and read new words! And welcome back to all the loyal members who continually support this community. We love you guys.
This post has been a long time coming. We've needed an "introduction" to our community for newcomers, but as you may know, if I'm anything, I'm lazy, so I'm just now getting around to writing this.
If this is your first visit to The Lightning and the Lightning Bug, then this is the post for you!
Who We Are:
As the little tagline on our banner states, we're a "Community of Writers." And by "writers" we mean, people who are brave enough to share their written words: professional, amateur, blogger, or dabbler. All are welcome here. We created this community to encourage positive interaction between writers, to help inspire, and to make friends. If you're interested in any of those things, then you've come to the right place.
What We Do:
We hope we light the fuel of your writing fires. Weekly, we post two writing prompts: Dare to Share and A Flicker of Inspiration. Each of these prompts is intended to help spark your creativity and imagination. You can participate weekly or once in awhile. You can choose to linkup or just read everyone else's entries. This is a no pressure community. If we provide inspiration to you even once, then we've accomplished our goal, but most importantly, we want you to be able to connect with each other and have a safe haven for your words.
Dare to Share:
The Dare to Share Prompt and Linkup is posted every Saturday morning. For this linkup, you can dare to share an old or new blog post, as long as it fits within the linkup theme (and to be honest, we're pretty loose with our themes). The themes are usually pretty broad here with topics ranging from "Animals" and "Poetry" to "Holidays" and "Ice Cream." The linkup is available through the weekend for you to share your posts.
A Flicker of Inspiration:
A Flicker of Inspiration is a weekly writing prompt. We typically post the prompt on Thursdays, with the linkup going up on Sunday morning. The linkup is available through midnight on Wednesday of each week. It doesn't matter when you link up, as long as you do so within the Sunday to Wednesday time frame. This prompt is open to fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and gibberish. We don't care what you write, as long as you're inspired by the prompt in some way. There's typically a word limit of some kind, but like everything around here, it's more of a loose guideline than an actual "limit."
Well, kind of. The rules around here are pretty simple to follow. If you participate in either Dare to Share or A Flicker of Inspiration, we encourage you to read and thoughtfully comment on at least two or three other participants' links. This community is about mutual respect and support, and it wouldn't work if we didn't take the time to read and encourage each other. For guidelines on "Thoughtful Commenting," check out Kelli's post HERE.
Also, if you linkup, don't forget to GRAB A BUTTON from our sidebar to add to your posts.
Pretty Please?
If you like our community and our "cause," spread the word and help pimp us out! We want our community to grow, so any pimping you can do for us is MUCH APPRECIATED.
Friday, January 20, 2012
New Around Here?
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
New Around Here?