Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dare to Share Link Up: Under-appreciated

We've all been there. You pour your heart and soul into a bit of writing, and the response you get from your readers is...well...lackluster. This weekend we're going to Dare to Share one of our most under-appreciated blog posts (thanks for the idea, Ixy and Kim!). Link up one of the posts your most proud of but that received very little appreciation from readers. You have all weekend to link up. If you do link up a post, remember to try to visit and thoughtfully comment on two to three other posts. Linking up enters you in a chance to become the Writer of the Week. Good luck!

This week's Writer of the Week is:

Amanda at Appreciating the Fireflies

Amanda is a writer who's been with us since virtually the start of The Lightning and the Lightning-Bug. She shares beautiful fiction and nonfiction over at Appreciating the Fireflies. Her writer's voice is lovely and engaging. I love reading her words. Try to stop by, say hi, and admire her talent. Congrats, Amanda!!