Sunday, April 29, 2012

Flicker of Inspiration Linkup #48: Mirror Image

This was your prompt this week:

Take a good look, decide what you see. Write about that. I see two sparrows carrying coconuts; try not to let that influence you before you get started. Whatever you see, that's your prompt. If you really really don't think you see anything in particular, do a freewriting exercise; just type random words for ten or fifteen minutes or so. Share whatever you come up with, even if you start an actual story halfway through.

Link up your post below; it'll stay open until Wednesday. Include a link-back button in your post (to the right) so that people who come to your blog for other reasons can find out about our weekly linkup; for the same reason, we welcome any facebook and twitter love you wish to dish out. Please read as many fellow link-uppers' posts as you can and try to leave helpful and supportive comments.