Sunday, November 4, 2012

Flicker of Inspiration Prompt and Linkup #63: Storm

After soliciting ideas for prompts last week, you guys really came through! I'll be using each idea proposed in the coming weeks. If you have any more ideas, please feel free to let us know in the comments section. This community started off small and intimate with a focus on its members and community, and what better way to reflect that focus than by letting our members choose the prompts?

As we attempt to get back on track, I'll be posting a prompt and linkup every Sunday. You'll have through Wednesday to post a response.

This week's prompt comes from community member Allison of Rambling Follower. In light of the Super Storm Sandy and her victims on the East Coast, Allison proposed that we tackle the following prompt:


I believe this prompt also fits in with the rainy season that this blog has been through lately, so I think it's pretty darn fitting. We'd like you to take the word "Storm" and write a blog post around it. It can be a response to the devastation of Sandy or a reflection on the stormy days of life. You can share fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.

Remember, you have until Wednesday night at midnight Eastern Standard Time to linkup.

Hope you'll join us!!! And thanks for the prompt idea, Allison!