Sunday, October 2, 2011

Linkup and Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #19: In The Dark of Night

J. Ross again, the Once and Future Geek, filling in on Flicker of Inspiration duties this week. It's October - time to get ready for Halloween. We put up a bunch of our decorations already. A little too early? I don't think so. Who can say, anyway? Our neighbors maybe. Well, they still have plastic eggs hanging in their tree from Easter so they can just hold on to whatever opinions they have.

Before we get started with all that, though, it's time to link up once again! Last week's prompt was "Objects in the Mirror" - you were supposed to write about something seen in a mirror. It could have been yourself, someone else, a ghost, a car, your evil twin from another universe - the looking glass, as Alice might have said, was wide open.

So (1) link up below; as usual, it will be available until midnight Wednesday, so if you're leaving it for the last minute, that last minute is 11:59 PM on Wednesday. Don't forget to (2) read as many other posts as you can and try to leave three (3) or more helpful or supportive comments. There are free buttons for (4) on the sidebar so you can link back here from your post - as always, (5) spam everyone you know on Twitter or Facebook about the linkup and all the great writing going on, and always come back and see what new posts may have come up.

And now, Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #19: In the Dark of Night
Through October we're going to be doing Halloween-themed prompts. Don't celebrate/participate in Halloween? No problem, our goal is to include everyone and I think there should be plenty of room in all of this month's prompts to take it in different, less-Halloweenish directions.
For this week, think about a dark place. A rural footpath under a waning moon; your Aunt Myrtle's basement with preserved fruits and meats; your apartment building's stairwell in a sudden blackout. Somehow, the Darkness is something that nearly all humans fear. Anything could be in the dark, but the Unknown is the scariest thing of all.
In 1,000 words or less, write something to fit the theme "In the Dark of Night" to share here next week.