Hello, Lightning Bugs! Do you have your "I Wanna Marry You" responses ready to link up? Just add them to the link up below; I can't wait to read what everyone came up with!
If you're new around these parts, welcome! We're glad you decided to join our little community. To participate in the link up, you just need to do the following:
1) Link up your posts relating to last week's prompt theme, which was "I Wanna Marry You." We were charged with writing about a wedding, fictional or real.
2) If you link up, try to visit and thoughtfully comment on at least three other participants' posts.
3) Grab one of our buttons from the sidebar and help us spread the word. We can't grow without you!
4) The linky is available through Wednesday, so don't forget to come back and check out all our entries.
5) After linking up for this week, check out Prompt #15 below and start plotting for next week's response :)
Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #14: Talk It Out
For this week's prompt, we'd like you to tell us a story using only dialogue. That's right. There can be no "he said/she said," no modifiers at all in fact. Just conversation, plain and simple, between quotes. Not that you necessarily have to use quotation marks...just look at Cormac McCarthy, he uses no quotations marks at all. But I digress. Tell a tale through conversation and dialogue between your "characters." This can be fiction or non-fiction...and can even be poetry. Take it anywhere you like, just talk it out and come back here next Sunday to share.