Sunday, July 3, 2011

Linkup and Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #7: Baby, You're a Firework

Wow! Last weekend's A Letter to You link up was amazing! Everyone's letters were heartfelt and emotional. I had so much fun getting a glimpse into what everyone was like at 16! Thank you for making the link up such a success.

This week's link up is all about shoes. Simply link up below if you participated in our prompt These Shoes Were Made for Talking. If you link up, please try to visit and thoughtfully comment on at least three other posts.

And now for this week's prompt: Prompt #7 Baby, You're a Firework

I like kitschy themes; what can I say? It's Fourth of July weekend in the US, so patriotism and fireworks are on the brain. Sorry for being painfully obvious. :) This week's prompt is all about fireworks. You can take that in a very literal direction, or you can include figurative "fireworks." Feel free to turn this prompt into fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, just be sure to include fireworks of some kind. Good luck!