Sunday, June 5, 2011

Linkup and Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #3: {Photo Prompt} Marbles

Welcome back, lightning bugs! I'd first like to extend you all a huge THANK YOU (literally) for participating in both our prompts and discussions. We love hearing from you guys, and it's pretty obvious that we have a talented group of writers here. We're just glad you chose to join us and share your talent. 

This week's linkup is in response to last week's prompt:

Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #2: Fairy Tales

Rewrite or modernize your favorite fairy tale or take a story (book, movie, play, or memory) and turn it into a fairy tale. Lots of room to play around with this one, as long as you use the fairy tale aspect in some way. I've made the word limit greater this week, so you can develop your story further.

Word Limit: 1,000 words

To linkup, add your link to the linky list below, grab a button, and spread the word! Remember to only linkup if you've participated in the prompt. If you share a link, please take the time to read and thoughtfully comment on at least three other posts. Also, if you're looking for some guidelines to responding to your fellow lightning bugs' posts, be sure to check out our new Critique and Etiquette Guidelines.

Flicker of Inspiration Prompt #3: {Photo Prompt} Marbles.

Click to enlarge

Write a piece inspired by the photograph above (taken by our own Mary Lauren of My 3 Little Birds). Let the photo inspire you - whether it is a memory, a poem or fiction, show us where the photo takes you.
Word Limit: 600 words

Don't forget to come back next Sunday and linkup with us again!

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